Ft. Lowell Cemetery


IMG_0125OFLNA also owns the Fort Lowell Cemetery, located at Fort Lowell Road and Laurel Avenue. Cemetery records date back to late 1800s, but the cemetery is much older and continues to be used as a funerary ground today. Unfortunately the cemetery has limited space available. Visually bare spaces Do Not indicate a vacant burial plot.

The memorial marker to identify a gravesite may no longer exist. Wooden grave markers rarely last beyond 50-100 years because of natural decomposition. Burials in this historic property are limited to descendants of one of the early settlers of the area, who are known as Los Fuerteños (The People of the Fort).

  • To view a map of the cemetery and a listing of known grave sites, click here.
  • To apply for interment in the Fort Lowell Cemetery, click here for more information and the application.
  • If you are interested in making a permanent addition to the Cemetery, such as a bench, click here.

Fort Lowell Cemetery Gallery